Sunday, September 8, 2013

Paranoid, Fantastical Conspiracy Suits Over Zuehl Fence / Easement Dormant for Now

San Antonio Texas Real Estate Attorney Trey Wilson wrote:

My oft' publicized defense of the Zuehl Airport Flying Community Owners' Association in a number of easement/fence related suits appeared at one time to be more of a career project than a client engagement. What started out as a series of real estate lawsuits between neighbors became intensely personal when a certain pro se litigant began alleging the existence of a vast conspiracy between my client (the Association), various Guadalupe County officials (including Judges and prosecutors), federal law enforcement authorities, and others. 

Although amusing at first, the fantastical pleadings containing ludicrous allegations became more of an irritant when included in various lawsuits, including three federal RICO/conspiracy suits. The suits, filed in the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas,  were ultimately dismissed, but the unnamed vexatious interloper is apparently undeterred, and continues to allege in writing that a vast conspiracy exists between unrelated parties.

At their heart, the federal suits likely served as nothing more than an effort to give credibility (through shocking allegations) to illogical legal positions asserted in relation to a fence. The suits have now all been dismissed, and no further federal suits may be filed without first obtaining permission from the court.

Here are the links to the last two SA Express New Articles about the Zuehl Airfiled federal conspiracy/RICO suit:

Fence Suit Dismissed

Fence at Root of Federal Suits

Here is an Order from the Bexar County District Court finding the pro se litigant to be "vexatious."  This Order was reversed on grounds that some of the litigations counted toward the number of baseless cases were merely offshoots of the same suit, and not separate litigations.

For those seeking copies of the federal pleadings and U.S. District Court Orders, including the final Order summarily dismissing the most recent case, please contact me by email.

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